(Madrid, 1979)

I grew up to the rhythm of the ephemeral architectures of the Spain of the nineties: the EXPO in Seville, the Olympics in Barcelona ... I studied scenography at RESAD (Real Escuela de Arte Dramático), from where I got the keys, while combining my studies with jobs as a DJ or the art direction of EGO Cibeles fashion week. Since then, I have worked as a set designer, lighting and costume designer in film, theater and television. In 2009 I wanted to take a sabbatical year, but I met Guillem Mont de Palol and stopped being behind the camera and started to create and interpret our own scenic pieces with him. Since then, under the name Mont de Dutor, Guillem and I have premiered a dozen works in theaters, art centers and festivals in Europe and Latin America. My investigations bypass the M-50road of the disciplines. I propose possibilities that are not questioned from the centers but from the peripheries. And my great interest is the communication between the viewer and what is on stage, understanding the scene as a channel. I enjoy if I light a fuse. Guided by intuition and by the need to dialogue with other artists, I participate in collective creative processes such as Juan Rodrigáñez's films Human Rights and The Money Complex. Der geldkomplex, which was presented at the Berlinale in 2015 and we are now preparing the script for Los Erizos. Right now immersed with Guillem in the exciting universe of our new project called The Movement.