
Vaig fer el vestuari d’aquest espectacle de dansa del Abert Quesada amb els FRAMES Percussion que es va presentar en l’Auditori de Barcelona al juny de 2022.

“Desert is based on the piece Timber(2009) by American composer ‎Michael Gordon (1956-), a work premiered in Spain in 2016 by the percussion ensemble ‎FRAMES Percussion.‎ This new staging by dancer and choreographer Albert Quesada, with an innovative sound ‎design, presents a rereading of the piece and offers a unique immersive experience.‎ In Michael Gordon’s words, Timber“evokes a journey through the desert”, a ‎journey that spectators will embark upon situated in the centre of sound and dance, which ‎will take them through the austerity and physicality of the sound material. The work is scored ‎for six large pieces of wood, known as simantras and used in Eastern Orthodox liturgy.‎ An aesthetic experience that will make us reflect and travel through our own personal, inner ‎desert.

In collaboration with Graner Centre de creació, L’Animal a l’esquena, el Konvent and La Visiva. With the support of Ajuntament de Barcelona and SACD.”

Música: Timber (2009) de Michael Gordon

Músics: Frames Percussion. Sabela Castro Rodríguez, Javier Delgado Pérez, Rubén M. Orio, Daniel Munarriz Senosiain, Sergio Sande, Miquel Vich Vila

Coreografia I Direcció: Albert Quesada

Dansa: Albert Quesada, Georgia Vardarou I Katie Vickers

Disseny De So: Oriol Baulenas Costa

Disseny De Llums/Escenografia: Llorenç Balaguer

Disseny De Vestuari: Jorge Dutor

Fotos: Tristán Pérez-Martín



Swimming pools


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