Lo Mínimo is a collection of lies and we perform believing these lies and accepting the improbable as real. We appeal to the imagination to build a space that is not seen, but present through sounds and effects that are not at all effective: minimal strategies to achieve maximum immersion in this dimension that we are creating. The sound space is an important element in this piece, as it builds what is not seen and what we don’t even know if it exists or not.

You are in a place, you don’t know what it is and there are not many clues to discover it: three fabrics, foam rubber and some sticks. The doorbell rings. Orange comes in. Beware of the Dog. Halfway through the performance, the beginning of the show falls from the ceiling : “look at this”. "I'm going out". The doorbell rings. Outside seems like it's raining.

“Partido por la amistad” de Quim Pujol (“Match for the friendship” from Quim Pujol

Hand program Lo Mínimo Teatros del Canal by Isabel de Naverán and Andrea Rodrigo

CREATION AND INTERPRETATION - Jorge Dutor, Guillem Mont de Palol and Cris Blanco

SOUND DESIGN - Carlos Parra

LIGHTNING - Marco Mattarucchi and Jorge Dutor

TECHNICAL DIRECTOR - Marco Mattarucchi


COPRODUCTION - Mercat de les Flors, Next Festival - Le phénix scène nationale Pôle européen de création à Valenciennes, Teatros del Canal, Fundació Catalunya La Pedrera

DURATION - 1 hour

Not suitable for children under 8




LAS RISAS (2018)